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Barrow Dyad Exotic Quest Guide: Unlock the Power in Destiny 2!

So, you’ve heard the whispers, seen the rumors, and now you’re itching to get your hands on the Barrow Dyad Exotic SMG in Destiny 2: Episode Heresy, right?
Well, you’ve come to the right place.
Forget grinding endlessly with no direction; this is your definitive guide to conquering “The Taken Path” and claiming that sweet, sweet Strand SMG.
Get ready for a deep dive into strategies, hidden locations, and those all-important tips that’ll have you shredding enemies in no time.
Think you’re ready?
Let’s do this.

The Hunt Begins: Starting “The Taken Path”

Unlike some of those hand-holding Exotic quests we’ve seen lately, Bungie decided to keep us on our toes with the Barrow Dyad.
No flashing notifications, no quest markers screaming for your attention.
This one requires a little… exploration.
Are you ready to get your hands dirty?

Step 1: The Blighted Beginning

Your journey kicks off in The Nether.
Load into the activity, and keep your eyes peeled for an unusual Taken Blight.
Now, this isn’t a guaranteed spawn, adding a bit of RNG to the equation.
Some Guardians have reported finding it in the Hall of Souls, others in the Mausoleum or Trenchway.
If you don’t spot it right away, don’t sweat it!
Just reload The Nether and try again.
Persistence is key, Guardian.

Here are the known spawn locations:

  • The Mausoleum: Turn around from spawn and jump up.
    Check near the wall.
  • Hall of Souls: Floating on a support pillar in the Tormentor encounter room.
  • Trenchway: Across from spawn, near the Wizard trio.

Once you find the Blight, don’t hesitate – jump right in!

Step 2: Whispers in the Dark

Congratulations, you’ve entered the Ascendant Plane!
You’ll see a lone plate on the floor.
Stand on it.
After a brief pause, a message will appear in your combat log: “Something whispers to the…” This is your clue.
Walk in the direction indicated by the text.
Right, left, behind – whatever it says, follow it.
If you do it correctly, you’ll be teleported to a new room containing a Taken Osseous Fragment.
Snag that fragment; you’ll need it.

Step 3: A Visit to Eris Morn

With the Taken Osseous Fragment in hand, it’s time to pay a visit to Eris Morn in the Last City.
Head to her Shaping Slab and interact with it.
This will officially kick off “The Taken Path” Exotic quest, promising you the Barrow Dyad… eventually.

The Taken Path: Quest Steps and Strategies

Now that you’ve started the quest, it’s time to buckle down and complete the various objectives.
Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through each step.

Step 4: Secrets in Sorrows Harbor and the Forgotten Shore

The quest will direct you to find secrets in Sorrows Harbor on the Moon and the Forgotten Shore in the Cosmodrome.
However, these aren’t just patrol zone hunts; you’re looking for specific Lost Sectors:

  • Sorrows Harbor: K1 Revelation Lost Sector
  • Forgotten Shore: Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector

Inside each Lost Sector, you’ll find a small Taken Blight.
Shoot the Blight to “infect” the area with Taken energy.
Then, find the rune plate, follow the directional prompt, and defeat the Taken enemies that spawn.
Claim your Taken Osseous Fragment after vanquishing the corrupted boss at the end.

Step 5: Breaking the Curses

With two fragments secured, it’s back to Eris’s Shaping Slab.
This time, you’ll be tasked with breaking three curses, each tied to a specific activity:

  • Curse of Endurance: Altars of Sorrow (Moon)
  • Curse of Urgency: Hallowed Grove Lost Sector (EDZ)
  • Curse of Revenge: Nightmare Hunt: Pride (Moon)

In each location, you’ll find a Taken Relic.
Grab it, and start eliminating enemies to charge it.
Once fully charged, “dunk” the relic back at its starting point to complete the objective.
The timer in the Hallowed Grove Lost Sector can be tricky, make sure your power level is high enough to take on the enemies quickly.

Step 6: Nether Fragments Revisited

Time to head back to The Nether, Guardians!
This time, you’re hunting for Hive statues.
These statues are similar to those found in the King’s Fall raid.
Interact with a statue to summon a miniboss.
Defeat the miniboss, and the statue will reveal a Taken Osseous Fragment.
You’ll need to repeat this process for all three statues.
Statue order is random.
Here are some location clues:

  • The Mausoleum: Jump down and look behind a tentacle-like structure.
  • Hall of Souls: Look to your left from the Court of Oryx platform.
  • The Founts: On the upper floor in the middle chamber, near the hydraulic press.

With all three fragments in your possession, the Derealize Exotic mission will finally unlock!

Full guide to unlocking BarrowDyad in Destiny 2.
Video by: xHOUNDISHx

Derealize: The Exotic Mission

Derealize is found in The Last City destination menu, under The Nether playlist.
It’s time to prove your worth.
Vrhiisk, Seeker of Power is your target.
The mission has some unique quirks.

  • Suffocating Terror: Avoid staring at the giant Taken eyes, or you’ll accumulate stacks of Suffocating Terror, leading to… well, death.
  • Taken Relic Puzzles: You’ll need to charge Taken Relics by defeating enemies and then use them to progress.
  • Dimensional Shifts: The final boss fight involves swapping between normal and Taken dimensions.

This mission is a bit easier than most.
Most of it is add management.
Make sure you bring a good add-clear loadout before you rally.
There is no timer and no limited revives, so take your time!

The No Escape Puzzle: A Step-by-Step

Stuck in the Hive trap?
Don’t panic.
Here’s how to escape this tricky puzzle:

  1. Observe the four Hive runes presented in order from left to right.
  2. Enter each room and identify the corresponding rune by standing on its plate.
  3. Activate the runes in the correct sequence (from left to right) by walking in the direction indicated by the chevron on the floor plate.
  4. If the room you enter is for a rune later in the sequence, simply wait to be teleported.

A little jumping and you will be at the final encounter.

Final Boss: Xir’Kuur

The final boss guarding BarrowDyad is a pair of Hive Knights.
One is in the material realm, and the other is torn from it.
Alternate damage phases.
The one on the ground is always the one that is vulnerable.
When the knights rotate, portions of the arena will become infested with Taken energy.
Damage inflicted inside this area deals damage over time.
Constant healing is recommended!

Once Xir’Kuur is defeated, claim your prize: the Barrow Dyad Exotic SMG!

Barrow Dyad: First Impressions and Perks

So, what makes the Barrow Dyad tick?
This 720 RPM Strand SMG comes with some seriously interesting perks:

  • Panic Response: Dealing damage generates Blight.
    Reloading converts stored Blight into Blighted Seekers that track enemies.
  • Taken Divergence: Hitting three different targets in quick succession grants a massive bonus to Blight generation.

Barrow-Dyad is…
(NEW EXOTIC SMG) | Destiny 2 – Video by: Aztecross

The weapon also passively reloads itself!
That is a game changer!
To best use this weapon, fire at enemies to build up the meter but do not manually reload until the meter is full.
The extra trait Taken Divergence grants a massive bonus to the Panic Response meter when dealing damage to three different targets quickly, allowing you to build up the meter quickly.

It interacts strongly with Heresy’s Artifact Mods like Unraveling Orbs and Horde Shuttle.

Crafting Barrow Dyad: Catalyst and Intrinsic Upgrades

The grind doesn’t end with acquiring the weapon!
Barrow Dyad can be further customized at the Enclave on Savathun’s Throne World.

Each Intrinsic upgrade completed unlocks more barrels, magazines, and grips to customize the feel of BarrowDyad.
There is also a catalyst for this weapon.
Although at this time the steps to unlock it are unclear.
Rumor has it that you must wait a few weeks for every catalyst to become available.
The traits offered by the catalyst include High-Impact Reserves, Hatchling, One For All, and Target Lock.

After completing it once, another quest begins which allows you to get intrinsic upgrades for Barrow Dyad.
Take note that you need to be at least rank nine at the Slab for this to be achievable.
You’ll also need to locate and secure more Fragments, but these can easily be found in the Nether activity.

The Verdict: Is Barrow Dyad Worth the Effort?

So, is the Barrow Dyad worth all the trouble?
Well, if you’re a fan of Strand builds and unique Exotics, absolutely.
The weapon’s distinctive look and intriguing perks make it a worthy addition to any Guardian’s arsenal.
Also, the Blighted Seekers are pretty cool.
The unique game style makes this gun a lot of fun.

Destiny 2: How to Get The BARROW DYAD!
| Secret Exotic Quest Guide!
– Video by: KackisHD

Early Release: A Sign of Things to Come?

The early release of “The Taken Path” and the Derealize Exotic mission raises some interesting questions about the future of Episode Heresy and Destiny 2 as a whole.
Is this a one-off event, or a sign that Bungie is shifting its content release strategy?
Only time will tell, but it certainly keeps things interesting, doesn’t it?

Overcome The Derealize With Power Level!

The Derealize mission has the following modifiers:

  • Power Level 2015
  • Arc and Strand Surges
  • Overcharge SMG
  • Arc, Solar, Void Shields

With this in mind, here is a quick guide on what loadout you should use against the final boss.
SMGs are going to do 25% more damage than other guns in the game, and if the subclass matches the surge that damage bonus is increased!

  1. Main Weapon – Any Arc or Strand SMG that has high DPS.
  2. Secondary Weapon – Any weapon that deals arc, void, or solar damage.
  3. Heavy Weapon – Any weapon that deals arc, void, or solar damage.
    Sword is recommended for high DPS.
  4. Subclass – Any Arc or Strand Subclass with high DPS.

Follow this loadout and you will be able to dominate the Derealize with ease!

Final Thoughts: The Hunt Never Ends

So there you have it, Guardians!
Your complete guide to unlocking the Barrow Dyad Exotic SMG.
Now get out there, conquer “The Taken Path,” and add this unique weapon to your collection.
And remember, the hunt for power and glory in the Destiny universe never truly ends.
Now, get out there and make the Traveler proud!

Barrow Dyad: Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I start the Barrow Dyad Exotic quest?

The quest starts by finding a Taken Blight in The Nether.
Check the Mausoleum, Hall of Souls, or Trenchway.
If it’s not there, reload The Nether and try again.

What are the Lost Sectors I need to visit for the quest?

You need to visit the K1 Revelation Lost Sector in Sorrows Harbor on the Moon and the Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector in the Cosmodrome.

What are the three curses I need to break?

The three curses are the Curse of Endurance (Altars of Sorrow), the Curse of Urgency (Hallowed Grove Lost Sector), and the Curse of Revenge (Nightmare Hunt: Pride).

What is the Derealize mission like?

The Derealize mission involves avoiding the gaze of Taken eyes, charging Taken Relics to progress, and shifting between normal and Taken dimensions during the final boss fight.

What are the best loadouts for the Derealize mission?

Focus on Arc or Strand SMGs with high DPS, paired with weapons dealing Arc, Void, or Solar damage.
Swords are recommended for high DPS on the final boss.

Final Verdict: Embracing the Barrow Dyad

The Barrow Dyad Exotic SMG is a worthwhile pursuit for Guardians who enjoy Strand builds and unique weaponry.
Its distinctive perks and Blighted Seekers offer a fun and effective playstyle.
So, embrace the Taken Path, conquer the Derealize mission, and add this powerful SMG to your arsenal!

Ready for More?
Next Steps for Barrow Dyad Mastery

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